

Page history last edited by Rodrigo Lima 14 years, 9 months ago

The Info Projects and Profiles team's 11x17 Handout  - Digo




Alright boy and girls - sorry it is going up so late but here is an InDesign file of the handout template for each group to fill out. If you do not have CS4 then download this interchange file for CS3. Or if you cannot handle that, then just download the PDF.


Let me know if you run into any problems.





Hi Everyone :)  whoa! <<<a 2 week sale is happening at the PacRimStudio store >>> [no markup!] 




Check out some designs that have been donated by Pedro to the PacRimStudio shop.  

If you made something nice that you really want to see on a product let me know. [you don't necessarily have to buy it, it'll just make the store look more interesting]   -Lauren



GEO-SPATIAL: April 7 Presentations There are google earth layers and more info available on my page. Please feel free to check it out! -Digo





Hi everyone--we are going to have an interesting panel of experts for tomorrow's presentations, including respresentatives from Architecture for Humanity, architecture practitioners, and other guests.


We will start with an overview of the course goals, and the idea of the Virtual Gyre, and then we will go through the projects group by group. I'll put a preliminary order below, but please email me if you have suggestions for changing the order.


Also, please send me any updates you want made to the Subcommittee Mission statements, or your individual project descriptions, and I will try to get them updated on the diagram. I will be giving copies of this to each of the panelists, so it is important for you to review the descriptions and confirm that you think they well represent your current project focus.



  1. Introduction of Panelists (Peter) 12:05
  2. Overview of Course Objectives, and Objectives for this review (Peter) 12:10
    1. Presentation of group mission (who is doing this?) 12:15
    2. Individual Project Presentations
      1. Adam
      2. Digo
      3. Tony and Brandon 
      4. Chanelle 
    3. Panel Discussion of Group and Individual Projects 12:50 
    1. Presentation of group mission (who is doing this?) 1:15
    2. Individual Project Presentations
      1. Rachael
      2. Walter
      3. Tan and Pia
      4. Pearl
    3. Panel Discussion of Group and Individual Projects
  5. Break Time
    1. Presentation of group mission (who is doing this?) 1:40
    2. Individual Project Presentations
      1. Lauren
      2. Andrew
    3. Panel Discussion of Group and Individual Projects
    1. Presentation of group mission (who is doing this?) 2:00
    2. Individual Project Presentations
      1. Monica
      2. Pedro
      3. Victor
    3. Panel Discussion of Group and Individual Projects




The Virtual Gyre v1.6.pdf


Interesting article in the New York Times science section about the structure of the Internet, and ways that complex networks work to combine smaller groups of data (think "projects") into larger systems. Click on the diagrams above to bring up a pdf of the article. This is very related to the concept of Integrated Project Delivery, and ways that non-hierarchical self-organizing structures can combine the ideas and resources of multiple agents to tackle complex tasks. We will discuss more in class.

Class on Wednesday, March 23

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great spring break. I know what some of you were doing...(Tan, Digo, Walter and Victor were eating Chinese food with me) and I hope the rest of you had equally interesting and/or productive breaks.


For the class this Wednesday, we are going to keep it informal since I am not able to be there, and several of the rest of you have to miss because of a different studio trip. I will still encourage those of you who are at school to still meet in your groups and get caught up on any individual progress during the break, and to make a coordination plan for the subcommittee group for the rest of the semester. We have just about 5 weeks left until the end of the semester, and 2 weeks left until our big meeting with Nathaniel and the Architecture for Humanity team. This time will go fast, so we really need to work in a coordinated way to prepare for that.


We also have at least one more field trip to fit in, and some other activities to include if time allows, so let's make good progress to prepare for the April 7 review meeting with the outside guests.


We'll work together in next week's class to prepare the presentation format for the April 7 review.


Good luck with your projects, and email me with any questions.








OAN Wiki Projects

Mission To design an interactive and updatable interface that allows the user to search a broader database

Committee Members: Monica, Pedro, Digo, Victor

Oan Projects and Profiles.

Mission: To improve personal and project data trees to streamline connectivity and interactivity.

Committee members: Adam Katz, Chanelle Hurst, Tony Diaz, Brandon Jenkins, Rodrigo Lima









Hi All--the Pecha Kucha night was quite interesting (if slightly too long). They had a live webstream using a software called Ustream to connect the event in San Francisco with a parallel event going on in Tokyo. Thanks to Chanelle for attending to represent CCA (along with me, and other CCA faculty Kory Bieg and Maxi Spina). The Berkeley students did a good job presenting their projects, and Nathaniel gave a nice introduction of the Pacific Rim project to the audience of 200 or so people, and specifically mentioned the work that the CCA Creative Project Management Team is doing. Architecture for Humanity founder Cameron Sinclair was there, and thanked us for the good ideas you all presented to Nathaniel, and which Nathaniel had brought back to share with the AfH office.


I also met some other new people relevant to our project--Mike McCaffrey, the AfH web guru, was there, and said he liked all of your ideas and will come to meet with everyone in our next working session with the AfH staff on Wednesday, March 3. There were also people from Project Kaisei there, including the founder/director Mary Crowley, and we discussed having a meeting with them, possibly by visiting them on the Kaisei ship.


Here is a note Nathaniel sent this morning:



"Pac Rim Studio People, Thank you all so much for being

such a dynamic part of the PechaKucha Haiti Fundraiser! It was

wonderful to see your work again and to have it in front of such a

diverse audience. One symbiotic outcome is that Project Kaisei staff

were able to see the work on the big screen which has resulted in

further ideation and research foci as well as an invitation to studio

participants to meet up to visit their ship and to have a conclave

with CCA and UCB students to discuss the real-world applications of

your design solutions. Thanks again, it was a fun evening and a great

night for AfH's Haiti initiatives."  Aloha, Nathaniel

As I mentioned in Wednesday's class, there is an event happening this Saturday (tomorrow) at the Autodesk Gallery, called Pecha Kucha night. This particular event is co-hosted with Habitat for Humanity as a fund raiser for their Haiti Reconstruction efforts, but it also has links to our seminar class's Virtual Gyre project. The UC Berkeley students from the Pacific Rim project are doing one of the presentations, called "Islands Dire, Plastic Gyre". This should be entertaining, and useful information for our project work as well. Note that there is a $20 suggested donation for the event, which goes to a good cause--disaster relief in Haiti. But don't let that stop you if you want to go and can't afford it--go ahead anyway and donate what you can. I think our group is contributing to Architecture for Humanity in other ways with our class contributions, so no need to feel bad about a lower entry contribution. I'll make this point to the people at the door.


I hope to see you there! Nathaniel will be there, Cameron Sinclair the founder of Architecture for Humanity will be there (I'll do VIP introductions of any of you to him). There is also another presentation by CCA faculty member David Fletcher, which I'm sure will be interesting as well.


Here is a link to the main web site for the international Pecha Kucha Organization (good intro to what is Pecha Kucha)

And here is a link to the specific page for the San Francisco chapter, with details on this week's event

Here is a link to the blog of the event host, San Francisco Pecha Kucha Chapter


Thanks, everyone (who was there) for doing such a good job with the presentations. I think they were all very clear, well presented, and with topics that are on track. Nathaniel was very pleased with the ideas, and excited about being able to go back to the Architecture for Humanity office to spread the enthusiasm. We talked more about how to engage the broader AfH staff in the projects, and agreed that the best way would be for each of you to post your projects on the OAN network. I think that you are all set up with logins, so you should be able to follow the instructions for creating the projects and uploading them. Once they are created, each project will be issued a registration number--we will need to get that number to Nathaniel so he can link up your projects to our classroom node. I'll put more detail up in a specific written assignment in the next few days, but feel free to get started uploading your projects on OAN, and if you have any problems, or tips and tricks, post them here on the front page of our wiki so that others can see and learn.


The other thing I want to do is to update everyone's bubbles on the Virtual Gyre mind map to include your current title, and brief paragraph description. Here is the latest version (v1.3) that I showed in class--you can look at the pdf version to more clearly read it--but below the chart is a place for each of you to put on the wiki here your desired updates and edits for title and description.


 Virtual Gyre v1.3.pdf

PLEASE PASTE YOUR TEXT IN BELOW--with your official project title, and your brief project description--Maximum 35 words. Then I will update the Virtual Gyre Mind Map and send it on to Nathaniel to put on the OAN website, and to show around his office.




Lauren: Organize a series of brandware graphic elements harvested from work of Pac-Rim Studio project participants.  Obtain permissions to create and distribute graphic elements on T-shirts, etc. for fundraising/awareness creating for Pac-Rim projects.  





OAN Collaboration Projects

Mission: Improve opportunities for information sharing through social networking and distance collaboration.


Rachael: Suggestions for the OAN Through Trial & Error. I would like to explore the potential of the OAN to bring collaboration techniques such as crowd sourcing to architectural projects.




Pearl: Distance Collaboration Tools.

Research online collaboration tools and make recommendations for which tools are best suited for which purposes.


Tan and Pia:

Improving graphic interface using calendars for time-based collaboration.


Hi Everyone,

I want to remind you about the format for presentations tomorrow. The details are on the wiki under the assignments heading: Week 5: Project Focus. I'll copy the text into the email below to remind you as well.

This is an important presentation with outside reviewers from Architecture for Humanity and other guests. The format will be somewhat similar to what we have done in class the last two weeks, but should be more clear and formalized--which is why I've asked for the presentation structure mentioned in the assignment. If we all follow a similar structure, it will be easier to move through the various presentations quickly, and get more consistent feedback.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me or call me (206-856-7664).


...is what you all missed at Friday's presentation by the Berkeley Pacific Rim studio. And some very interesting presentations, but we'll get a chance to see some documentation of those in Wednesday's class I hope, and get all the files so we can use them in our work.


For now, please have a look at each others' pages on the wiki, and add to and update (or start...) your own. This week is intended to be the online collaboration week, where you all post your ideas, and comment on the ideas of the rest of the group. Note that there is a little "comments" box at the bottom of each page, where you can make notes and send messages to the author of that page.


It is very important to get your ideas onto your pages on the wiki--so we can move forward as a group!

UC Berkeley/Architecture for Humanity SINKING ISLANDS/SWEEPING PLASTIC Premier at Studio for Urban Projects Friday Feb 5, 2pm

The 200B studio at UC Berkeley would greatly appreciate your participation in a digital presentation with Architecture for Humanity:  SINKING ISLANDS/SWEEPING PLASTIC, at

Studio for Urban Projects Friday Feb 5, 2pm to 5pm

Studio for Urban Projects, 3579 17th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

There will be a screening of the work and then all are invited to join us as we go out afterward to celebrate!

The first year graduate students are working in small groups on a two week Charette supporting a project by Architecture for Humanity with a two-fold goal: to propose designs for a new form of floating island community for small island nations whose existing land is rapidly disappearing due to sea level rise caused by global warming, and creating this new island land through the capture/encapsulation/recycling of the vast sea of destructive plastic flotsam in the Pacific gyre. Our studio is one of seven from architecture schools in the Pacific Rim who are contributing to this design project.

The course is taught by Raveevarn Choksombatchai, Harrison Fraker and Mark Anderson, with Graduate Student Instructors Emily Licht and Christopher DeHenzel, and with Nathaniel Corum and Cameron Sinclair of Architecture for Humanity.


HERE IS MY FIRST TRY at an organization of the project topics presented on Wednesday. This is very rough, and will be updated multiple times as we refine it--so don't feel pushed in any direction by this. Read the entry next to your name, and see how I did capturing your proposal. Even if I did okay, don't accept my draft--everyone needs to rewrite for me a short (about like what you see here) project proposal description, and then post it below the map. I will then update and repost the mindmap as I receive them.


For those of you who missed Wednesday's class, read through this, the assignment, and get in the game. Post your brief paragraph description below the mindmap here, and we'll get you uploaded.


The important thing is to try to get an overview understanding of each of your interests, and then to structure them into an overall plan for the seminar.


The Virtual Gyre v1.0.pdf



Use this format:

Name/Short description for mindmap/Additional comments (like if you have ideas about where you want to fit into the larger organization, or suggestion for categories or groupings).

  1. Digo / I believe that my OAN profile improvements project is something that may fall under the responsibilities of Adams OAN improvements. I would of course love to stay involved with that project as well but I feel as though it would fall under his umbrella. Also the Ocean Pollutants Manual is intended to be more than just a manual of ocean pollutants and how they pollute (that is just the first step in order to understand the complex ecology of pollutants). The Idea is to understand how one can simply remediate the ocean, whether it be removing some polluting articles or more complex polluting structures. This manual would then be maid open source on the OAN so that anyone doing a project on the ocean can see what kind of technologies are out there for "bandaging" the ocean and how they can be implemented. I hope that we will be able to document and explain how to construct simple bio-remediation structures on the oceans edge so that any motivated team can come in a build a small bio remediation facility. 

2. Lauren / I  completely agree with the placement of my proposed project on the map - it is a virtual funnel/gyre of data.  I  see the project more about       the work done in the Pac Rim studios and the datascapes/visual candy that is created out of the student's work than promoting charitable organizations.     The charitable organizations will hopefully reap some benefit.  I hope that the T-Shirt project works as more of a curatorial mechanism that connects the         work done by students all over through the shared medium of a wearable billboard to raise awareness as well as money.  

3. Rachael/Suggestions for the OAN Through Trial & Error. I would like to explore the potential of the OAN to bring techniques like crowd sourcing to architectural projects by posting the San Jose Beinnale Project on the network and try to incite collaboration across the network. I think the location of this project within the mindmap of the studio is correct. 



Hey Guys, 


Sorry I missed all of the presentations yesterday. Looks like some good info.  Tony and I have been talking about the possibilities and ideas of:


Google Earth Gyre Tracker


- An icon shown on Google Earth that moves along the path of the Gyre as it moves through the Pacific. Icon would be updated in accordance with gps located trash in the gyre. Selecting the icon would open the pop-up with links to Arch for Humanity, OAN, info on the gyre. 


Thats the base if the idea. Hope it can fit in the mindmapping. Let me know what you think, I will get a page up on here in the near future with a bit more clarification and detail. 




Great project ideas in class today!

I created a new section on the wiki (see sidebar) for Individual Project Topics, and each of you should have your own page under that heading. Upload your project description and images onto your page.


I'll add more detail in an formal assignment to post shortly--but please get your preliminary project descriptions up on your page as soon as possible-by midnight Friday at the latest-so we can start seeing and commenting on each others' projects.

Hi Guys -

Everyone's contact info isn't uploaded so I couldn't automate this [sorry]:  please manually join the Facebook group/become a fan of the Pacific Rim Studio so Nathaniel @ AFH & the rest of the Pacific Rim Studio participants can contact us as necessary.  Here is the link [or search it]





  Jeronimo pointed out that my email and contact info was hard to find on the wiki (it is on the bottom of the syllabus page, but needs to be made more obvious...). So I added a Contact Info page for everyone in the seminar, and started the list with my info--now please put all of your contact info on the list as well (this is how we can see who reads the wiki).


Hi Everyone,

I hope you got a lot out of the meeting at Architecture for Humanity with Nathaniel Corum and Chad Eccles. As we learned, the Pacific Rim Project has many different facets, and many opportunities for us to engage in different ways. It is now our task to help define the ways that we can best contribute, and to structure our individual and group semester projects.


There is a new assignment posted here that gives more detail about what you should be doing this week, and how to prepare for presenting your ideas to the class on Wednesday. As we discussed, the top priority is to establish the individual projects so we can all move forward quickly in the coming weeks--so please give this a lot of thought and attention the next few days. This requires a lot of individual creativity, and we're counting on you to come up with some great ideas. But also don't worry about having anything too final by Wednesday--as a group we will help refine and coordinate the different ideas. The most important thing is to come with ideas ready to discuss.


Wednesday Class

We will start the class on Wednesday with a brief discussion of the concept of MindMapping, which is a project management and organizational tool for collecting and structuring information in group settings.

Then we will have each of you present your ideas for semester projects, followed by a group discussion about how to link them all together.

LATE BREAKING NEWS--Our Meeting at Architecture for Humanity is Pushed back to 1pm!

We will meet instead at Room 140 (our usual spot) at 12pm (our usual time) and have an introduction at school, and then leave to go together over to the AfH office at about 12:45.


If you were planning to go directly to Architecture for Humanity (848 Folsom Street), and it is not easy to come by school, that's okay, just meet us there at a few minutes before 1 (12:55) on the sidewalk in front of the office. Don't go into the AfH office until we are all there please.


Sign in here to tell me that you got this message:


I will meet at school at 12 noon

  1. Peter
  2. Hiram
  3. Adam


I will meet at Architecture for Humanity at 12:55pm on the sidewalk in front

  1. Digo
  2. ?

Are you registered?

I updated the Team Participant Directory page with the current information from the registrar's office. Please check to be sure that your name shows up on this list to indicate that you are properly registered by the school. Also, please add a contact phone number on this page, and check your email address and other information.

Information to prepare for this week's class, Wednesday, January 27.

ANOTHER FIELD TRIP! This time we are going to the offices of Architecture for Humanity, at 848 Folsom Street. Class session will be from 12:30 to 2:30pm (allows 1/2 hour for travel each way). According to Google Maps, it will take you 27 minutes to walk there from CCA, or of course you can drive--bring quarters for the street parking meters. Here is an embedded map (a neat trick--ask me if you want to know how).


View Larger Map 

Before Wednesday...

BE SURE TO DO ASSIGNMENT 2! This isn't difficult, but it is very important that you do the reading and OAN registration process before our meeting on Wednesday.

INFO FOR TOMORROW'S CLASS, Wednesday, January 20


We have a special opportunity to visit the Autodesk Gallery at One Market Street, which is not usually open to the public. This is the project that I introduced in last week's class, and mentioned that we may be able to visit. The project was designed by my firm, and was a very in-depth exploration of Building Information Modeling, and Integrated Project Delivery.


Here is the schedule for tomorrow:

12 noon--Meet at our usual place and time (Room 141) to arrange carpool/transport options (or you can meet at 12:30 at One Market Street)

12:30--Meet in the entry lobby of the One Market Street building, near the guard's desk and elevators.

12:30 to 2:30--Class session in the Autodesk Gallery space--special guest presentations, tour, discussions

2:30--Class is over, return to school in time for 3pm classes.


Please sign up below for transport or meeting us there:

Car 1: Peter

1. Hiram

2. Digo




Car 2: Pearl

1. brandon

2. Walter




Meeting us there:

1. Lauren

2. Pia

3. Tan



This first map below shows where the One Market Street building is--enter about where the red "A" is, and the lobby where we will meet is just inside, near the guard desk and elevators.




View Larger Map


The Second map below shows the route from CCA to the One Market Street building. You can also put the two addresses into Google Maps for public transportation routing, or best walking route (45 minutes walking). If you will go by car, there is some street parking at meters, which is the cheapest parking option, but hard to find, so leave extra time to circle around. There are also pay lots all around the area.



View Larger Map


Today's Class Schedule:

  1. Course Introduction Powerpoint: the Virtual Gyre
  2. Distribute Assignment 1: Immersion
  3. Distribute Reading 1: AIA Guide to Integrated Project Delivery


Next Week's Class Schedule:

  1. Presentation about BIM and IPD in Europe by Ole Berard & Rolf Büchmann-Slorup






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