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last edited
by Peter Anderson 14 years, 10 months ago
Final Documents Formatting
- Digital Files on CD
- Two copies of a CD/DVD from each of the four groups, clearly labeled with group name and name of each student in the group (one copy for CCA, one for Architecture for Humanity)
- One Folder with Projected Presentations and associated files (animation, web archives, web links)
- One Folder with Print-ready Documents (if same, just copy)
- One Folder with Research and Extra Documents (organize clearly, good folder and file naming structure so others can utilize and continue with work that you have done)
- Printed Document
- Two complete copies, in color (exactly as printable from Print-ready pdf described above)
- First page should be "Executive Summary" that is handed out at the review. (# copies?)
- Must have one page that is an index of all files that are on your disk, with descriptive text.
- Web Document on the OAN
- Your final project should be available in an appropriate place on the OAN (either as a standalone project, or within the PacRim Studios project, to be discussed). Send Peter and Nathaniel an Email with the link when this is
- Book and DVD for the client (Architecture for Humanity) must be ready for a semi-formal presentation at the Review Time!
- Additional copies (or revisions/updates) to Peter by Friday, April 30, 5pm.
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