
Walter Ramos

Page history last edited by walter ramos 14 years, 7 months ago

pac rim prefinal handout1a.pdf



Team Name:  Digital Records


1. Project Mission:  The  ability  to  see  how  other  teams  and  other  schools  work and  progress is  coming  long  , by  sharing  their work  on a  one common   centralized  network for  everyone to  see. Digital  archiving  the  process  for  each team  and  for the  rest of  the  community to see how  we work .


2. Project Process:  For  students  and project  contributors  to record  the  process of the  project with  the  daily  tools  that  we  use.


3. Project Deliverables: To  update  each teams   documentation  on the common network .To  submit their   work  of  their  process on a  weekly  basis and to give a  brief  summary to share  to others

4.  Project Contribution: By  having a  digital  archiving system  where we  record our  process  from  each team. Having the  chance  to  educate  not  only  other  team  members   but  potential  and interested  people   who  want to  help  out with the  project. Eventually  have a  fan base   following  our  network.



hey  everyone  rac  rim  studio  has a new  blog  !

its in the works  but  make  sure to  follow it  and  add to your  google  reader  accounts


here is the linkhttp://pacrimstudio.blogspot.com/

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