Next Wednesday, February 17, we will have an outside review of your project proposals. Principal outside reviewer will be Nathaniel Corum, plus additional guest critics to be announced.
In preparation for this, we need to work as a group to define our overall goals for OPERATION: VIRTUAL GYRE, and prepare to present that together with your individual or small group project topics.
This will be the final check-in on refining the focus of these topics prior to the next phase of in-depth project work, so this is the last chance for making any significant changes to topics and directions.
Part 1: One-Page Handout
Printed handout in 11x17 horizontal format that presents your proposal in Executive Summary format. This should have color graphic illustrations to help explain the topic, and be able to stand alone (without your verbal additions) as a clear and complete overview of your project.
Part 2: Projected Presentation
PDF or Powerpoint presentation format. We will load all presentations onto a single computer no later than 12:05, so we are set to go with a seamless presentation format for our guests.
Part 3: Updated project page on Wiki
This should start with the same information as your one-page handout, but formatted onto the wiki. Follow this with a divider bar, then you can organize the rest along the lines of your projected presentation.
Follow this outline format for researching and presenting your Semester Project ideas:
- Descriptive Name of Project and your name
- Definition of Project Mission and Goals
- Discussion of Process, Tools and Methods
- Examples of Work
- Show the start of your own work on the project through examples of the types of things you will further develop. This should be more than just collected images or ideas--this should represent new, original work by you on your project topic, so we get a very specific idea of what you are going to produce.
- What are Final Deliverables at end of semester?
- Explain how your individual project will make a Contribution to the CPM Seminar's Group Project for AfH and the Pac Rim Studios?
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