This is your homework for the coming week--please complete all these things before class next Wednesday.
1. Read the IPD guide from the AIA. It is okay to just skim some of the sections that get more detailed. There will be no quiz on the finer points, but you do need to understand the overall structure of IPD as presented by the AIA, and you need to be familiar with what is in this document so you can go back to look at specific sections later.
2. Do some of your own web research--there are many sources and presentations about Integrated Project Delivery on a wide variety of websites, and YouTube, and other online sources. This is not intended to be a huge time commitment--mostly you should be trying to get up to speed on the basic terminology and understandings of primary concepts. It would be better to read several short introductions and definitions of IPD, than it would be to read detailed longer descriptions. If you find any particularly good sources, post them on the wiki for others to see as well.
3. Do additional research on the principal projects that have been identified by Architecture for Humanity. Learn enough about each of them to have a general understanding or project goals and timelines, and be prepared to have discussions about the topics. We will do more specific individual research in a later phase, so bookmark especially good sources, but don't get bogged down in details. Read, understand, think.
Project Kaisei
Project Plastiki
Floating Islands International
The Country of Tuvalu
The general topic of sinking islands, and rising water in the Pacific
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